Consulting > Connectivity (old website)

What is connectivity?

Connectivity is your ability to connect with people right where they live—to relate, and to cause them to believe that you understand what they're going through and have the answers. Connectivity keeps them coming back and great connectivity inspires them to go deeper.

Most organizations who lack the growth they desire often attibute the growth shortage to a lack of advertising or a poor brand, but connectivity is all about the heart. Do you truly know who you're trying to reach? Do you truly know how to reach them right where they are? If you do it will be evident and growth will be natural. If you don't, well, that's evident, too.

The difference strategic connectivity has made...

We've seen:

  • 1,000 member churches double in a year's time when they hadn't grown in 10 years
  • churches in decline level off and start to grow again
  • growing churches manage their growth more effectively and prepare for multi-campus impact
  • businesses spike in revenues with minor tweaks

How we approach connectivity...

For us, it's an all out blitz—pulling together demographics and psychographics with organic field studies, and secret shopper analyses (of you and the competition)—helping you evaluate thorough proprietary analytics. All this to bring a giant mirror in the room so you fully understand where you are as an organization and understand where you need to improve in order to reach your goals.

Because our approach is an all out blitz, it's not just a project to us. It's a service we provide, in relationship. It's the clarifying time, the 'aha!' moment, and the point at which you know you'll never go back to where you were. But now, armed with a greater understanding of who you are, you're ready to charge the mountain.

What effect does healthy connectivity have?

When you increase connectivity, it increases retention and advocacy... more people share their experience with others and growth takes off.


  • Deep dive demographics
  • Assimilation studies
  • Organic psychographic research
  • Focus groups
  • Brand studies
  • Competitive analysis
  • Community "word on the street"
  • Retention analysis

Hi my name is Amber, I would love to talk with you about our services!

Let's Talk
Artistry Labs | Consulting, Branding, and Technology

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