The first thing that I share with people when they’re thinking about how to reach millennials is that reaching millennials is impossible. What I mean by that is, if you think of millennials as a homogeneous group of people that have a certain type of thinking, then you’ve completely lost the fact that, within that generation, spans people that are in their lower twenties all the way to people that are in their late thirties. There are people that are married with five children to singles. People that have no college education to people that have doctorates and masters degrees. People that are literally living in their parents’ basement to people that actually have 12,000 square foot homes.
So, when you say “Millennial,” you’re talking about a wide range of people. At the end of the day, when you really want to be effective in targeting, you have to know which Millennial you’re trying to reach. Who is it most likely that you’re going to resonate with? Where are they at socioeconomically? Where are they at in life?
If you don’t understand them and know how to speak to them right where they’re at, then you’re never going to reach them. At the end of the day, the idea of trying to reach every Millennial at the same time is really like trying to boil the ocean. The real key in all of this is understanding the unique characteristics of the people you feel called to reach.